Pointe Medical is an international sales and distribution specialist consulting group. We are committed to the sales and marketing needs of innovative and novel medical device companies. The firm focuses on two major activities, the first being to develop the most appropriate market entry strategy. The second is to assist and implement sales and marketing strategies by building strong channels of distribution for successful penetration of key international markets.

Pointe Medical owners and operators have been successful executives of emerging health care companies as well as holding senior level management positions in major multi-national corporations. Pointe Medical applies the cumulative experience of these executives who have "earned their stripe" in the medical device industry and puts that skill to work in developing successful ventures. Our services are provided directly and exclusively by the principals. We have a hands on, accountable, and action oriented philosophy. We tailor our client relation and partnership to fit their individual strategy and can become part of the client management team when needed.

Market opportunities are exciting. There are 10 to 15 key medical markets worldwide. These are markets that practice Western Medicine, have a high per capita income and health care spending. This combined group represents over 500 million customers, or roughly twice the population of the United States.

Most young companies wait to reach a sizable market share in their home market before venturing into the global market place. Through our experience, we know that most companies delay their international entry strategies due to a lack of resources, regulatory hurdles and limited international experience. This delay causes potential loss of sales opportunities and revenue growth, incremental to the corporate business plan. Delay also opens the door for a competitive product that can capture market share, establishing a pre-emptive leadership position.

Our services are tailored to the individual needs of the clients, impacting the most from limited resources. We then execute and implement these plans, turning revenue projections into reality. We work with a network of associates and partners worldwide to capture, penetrate, and establish a dominant position within key international markets. Pointe Medical offers: Market specific marketing and sales strategy plans. Regulatory assistance and guidance. · Incremental sales opportunities. Area or market specific networks of reputable distribution worldwide. Associates with many years of sales, marketing and concept selling.